Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Harrison Bergeron" story

1. Life in Vietnam would be perfect if everyone were totally equal. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer in complete sentences.
_ I disagree, because if every one is equal, Vietnam never become a develop country is just stay the same where it was. It has no competition between people because how hard they do or maybe they don’t even try hard they still have the same amount of money.
2. You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?
_ Everyone have 5,000,000 dong each month what ever their jobs is.
_ Everyone will wear Gucci clothes only.
_ Everyone will have one car and one house.
3. What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up”?
_ open many school for people that slow in study. That was the only idea to help people.
4. What problems can you foresee that might come in a society with laws that force “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?
_the smart people will stand up to the government to get the own
Interest if I want to handle this problem I need a machine to do this at first. I need small chips to put in side of every one body if they do something to against to the government this will sent a electric energy to their body they will get hurt but they never die.( I think is so mean)
5. Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature make sure that some people would eventually dominate others?
6. In what situations have you felt similarly to any of the characters? What persons, places, or ideas from your own experience came to mind while you were reading this story? Try to list as least two examples.