Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Harrison Bergeron" story

1. Life in Vietnam would be perfect if everyone were totally equal. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer in complete sentences.
_ I disagree, because if every one is equal, Vietnam never become a develop country is just stay the same where it was. It has no competition between people because how hard they do or maybe they don’t even try hard they still have the same amount of money.
2. You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?
_ Everyone have 5,000,000 dong each month what ever their jobs is.
_ Everyone will wear Gucci clothes only.
_ Everyone will have one car and one house.
3. What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up”?
_ open many school for people that slow in study. That was the only idea to help people.
4. What problems can you foresee that might come in a society with laws that force “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?
_the smart people will stand up to the government to get the own
Interest if I want to handle this problem I need a machine to do this at first. I need small chips to put in side of every one body if they do something to against to the government this will sent a electric energy to their body they will get hurt but they never die.( I think is so mean)
5. Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature make sure that some people would eventually dominate others?
6. In what situations have you felt similarly to any of the characters? What persons, places, or ideas from your own experience came to mind while you were reading this story? Try to list as least two examples.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Do you want to be rich? Being rich is very important to people, it allows for a higher standard of living, a higher rank in society, and people treat you in a positive way. That’s why many countries are trying to get out of a command economy. A mixed economy can help citizens earn more money. A mixed economy is the place you have freedom to decide but not every thing. The government controls some part of the economy to make sure that citizens have a right decision. A mixed economy positively affects its citizens because people make more money and have freedom in trade, which leads to a higher standard of living.
A mixed economy is a better place because you can have freedom in trade. The US is a good example for a mixed economy. The United States is the world’s largest economy. They have a high output, there for, they can trade and sell products and services to other countries. This makes the economy big. However, the USA’s economy also has a bad side.
In the past the economy of the United States was very horrible. They invented the cotton gin and forced slaves to work for the cotton gin without wages. They also used children workers and treated them like animals because they wanted to save money for themselves. Freedom is very important to humans, and as a result a civil war happened in the US to get back freedom for slaves. The US then became a highly developed country.
There is another example for this type of economy. You might have heard about Henry Ford before. He invented the assembly line in order for the factories to increase more products and to make more money. After this invention came out, it affected the world a lot. It has been used in countries and every factories all over the world.
There’s something more about a mixed economy. This economy mix between a market (is an economy that is decided by the people and not the government) and a command (an economy that decide by the government) economy, government and individual make the decision for everything like share decision making process or what gets made. Providing goods depend how much the consumer want.
To have more money and freedom in trade, not under the control of the government can give you a better life. If your countries are still in the command economy you have to make the conversation with the government to become a mixed economy and try to better than US now. One day every one will become rich no one poor, we will have less robber, less problem with economy and we will have to give more time to the GLOBAL WARMNG is happen and destroy our world.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Homework ( november 2nd )

1. How does advertising influence consumption?
_ advertosing is the way people spread their ideas. When they advertosing they always assess other psychological
2. Do you think citizens are sufficiently informed about the sustainability of our consumption habits? If not, how can we become more informed about sustainability issues?
_most of the people they don't have much information about their habits they have. So now people have computer news paper they have to get more information about their habits because is will make your life better maybe.

3.Do you think these advertising techniques influence what you and your friends purchase?
_yes. because the funny and the ceative of each person make me want to by every thing they advertising.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

                      MIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION
  Hi every one, my name is Bao Binh, I have to move to America because of my parents job, my mom is a fashion designer and my dad is a doctor, sometime they talk to me and they said they want to move to America because they want to improve there job and they will go back to Vietnam and work to make Vietnam to be a better place.
 When I came to America I can see the big different between two country and I know why people in Vietnam migrated to America. The first thing I can saw that the population of Vietnam is very crowned and the traffic was no good either, every where were covered by pollution of cars, motorbike, factory, etc. My parent thinks it is not good for our health. The government is waste citizen money, they use a lot of money for there own but they don’t use it to help poor people or fixing the street.
  In America, the streets are nice and clean or maybe the securities are better. The population is more than Vietnam but the country is bigger so it looks not too crowned. American is a very nice place but I have to study hard and make Vietnam to be a better country.