Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Do you want to be rich? Being rich is very important to people, it allows for a higher standard of living, a higher rank in society, and people treat you in a positive way. That’s why many countries are trying to get out of a command economy. A mixed economy can help citizens earn more money. A mixed economy is the place you have freedom to decide but not every thing. The government controls some part of the economy to make sure that citizens have a right decision. A mixed economy positively affects its citizens because people make more money and have freedom in trade, which leads to a higher standard of living.
A mixed economy is a better place because you can have freedom in trade. The US is a good example for a mixed economy. The United States is the world’s largest economy. They have a high output, there for, they can trade and sell products and services to other countries. This makes the economy big. However, the USA’s economy also has a bad side.
In the past the economy of the United States was very horrible. They invented the cotton gin and forced slaves to work for the cotton gin without wages. They also used children workers and treated them like animals because they wanted to save money for themselves. Freedom is very important to humans, and as a result a civil war happened in the US to get back freedom for slaves. The US then became a highly developed country.
There is another example for this type of economy. You might have heard about Henry Ford before. He invented the assembly line in order for the factories to increase more products and to make more money. After this invention came out, it affected the world a lot. It has been used in countries and every factories all over the world.
There’s something more about a mixed economy. This economy mix between a market (is an economy that is decided by the people and not the government) and a command (an economy that decide by the government) economy, government and individual make the decision for everything like share decision making process or what gets made. Providing goods depend how much the consumer want.
To have more money and freedom in trade, not under the control of the government can give you a better life. If your countries are still in the command economy you have to make the conversation with the government to become a mixed economy and try to better than US now. One day every one will become rich no one poor, we will have less robber, less problem with economy and we will have to give more time to the GLOBAL WARMNG is happen and destroy our world.